Strictly You meal plans are dietitian approved, and based on the Australian Dietary Guidelines. These guidelines are the best available evidence to promote health, wellbeing, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Portion sizes of all food groups have been considered to align with the guidelines. This includes the recommendation to include approximately 2 serves of fruit daily, and regular inclusion of grain foods like rice, pasta, bread and cereals (preferably wholegrain varieties).
If you have diabetes (type 1 or type 2) it is always best to discuss any changes to your diet with your doctor. In consultation with your care provider, if you believe the amount of carbohydrate in the meals is not right for you and may be contributing to increasing your blood sugar levels, the carbohydrate portion could be reduced, and substituted with more non-starchy vegetables.
However, if you take medications for diabetes (including insulin and tablets that can lower blood sugar levels) you may need to eat more carbohydrate or spread it differently throughout the day. This is best discussed with your Doctor or Dietitian.
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